Today my mac's weather widget had a little graphic with little white round balls bouncing off the ground. Hail! Not
only hail, though, as I soon discovered. Also ice rain. Basically here's how my walk to the studio went today:
Me: (on the phone with Christine) Hey! Are you going to studio tonight?
Christine: No way. Even though I have a roommate who could easily give me a ride to studio from our apartment, I choose to remain the warm glowing warming glow of my apartment.
Me: (Stepping outside and slipping a little) Aw frack! Ice! My nemesis!
Christine: Blah blah blah plywood.
Me: I swear to God, Christine, I slip and fall every year. This is super dangerous.
Christine: Blah blah blah gesso.
Me: Oh my God! I am seriously going to fall! This is some intense ice! (falls on ass. Ice is cold. Gets up.)*
*Repeat three times.
(Note: Actual conversation may have been slightly different.)
That ice was really dangerous. I pretty much skated the whole way, and talked on the phone at the same time, which was a super good idea for someone as clumsy as me. Anyway, I think I need to get some golf shoes or something. I wouldn't be surprised if I met my end over ice.
On a more creative note, I'm basically just saying screw it and putting my painting up in the crit as is. I'm not really sure what else to do with it and it's a learning process so I don't really see why I should have final final work in the crit anyway. I'm in school, not the real world.

I like it. It, by itself, doesn't fully convey my concept, but I honestly didn't have enough time to fully figure out my concept and do three super layered paintings. I'm not too worried about getting reamed in crit this time, I'm more worried about my grade. I want to boost my GPA so I can get good scholarships for grad school, and I think that because this
entire semester I've gone completely outside of my comfort zone and haven't given up, I deserve an A. I mean, if I wanted to stick to doing realistic portraits I would be kicking ass right now. I know I can do that. I want to open up my paintings to new techniques and abstraction so they can become more than just realistic depictions. They can become their own abstract, atmospheric worlds.
I also started a cover illustration for my short story
Father Fox. It's a weird story that's about femininity, youth, innocence, and growth. It's getting work shopped on Monday. I hope that this workshop goes as well as the last one. The last one was really helpful and people seemed genuinely interested in my story. I'm going to show them the illustration and see if they think that the story lends itself to being fully illustrated. I plan on making a beautiful book in the end.

The girl (Luce, the protagonist) is modeled off of Degas' "Little Dancer Age 14".

It's odd. It's a pretty creepy statue, mostly because of the skin tone and the use of textiles, but I still really respond to the aesthetic. I think it's beautiful.
Also, I am really looking forward to seeing
The Golden Compass in two weeks! Of course, it came with the controversy I expected it to.
Here is an article from a Christian media magazine listing the reasons that The Golden Compass and Philip Pullman are the devil incarnate. What I love about this article is that it is essentially trying to warn unwary Christians of the evil hidden behind the well crafted fantasy story. To this I honestly say that if Philip Pullman causes you to lose faith then maybe you weren't terribly faithful in the first place. The point of religion is not to follow blindly. If you are truly faithful then Pullman will simply perhaps cause you to consider what it is that you believe and deepen your faith through thought. Yes, Pullman is kind of an ass. Yes, he says some nasty things about C.S. Lewis and Narnia. But seriously you need to both chill out. They're both great, imaginative stories that I treasured in my childhood. It is indeed nice to live in a world where I can love both Narnia and His Dark Materials as well as Harry Potter.
Holiday movie list thus far:
Sweeney Todd,
The Golden Compass, and
Juno (Oh Michael Cera, you're my favorite!!).
Listening to: Sufjan Stevens--The Avalanche