This is, however, what I aspire to. I'm going to put out my holiday cards after this week (a bit later than should happen, I suppose, but still before December) and see how those sell. If all goes well, then this spring I will start work on a 2009 calander to be ready for next November.
Thank goodness class is off for a week. I desperately need it, not just because I love to sleep in, but also to revise my essays, start another two essays, and finish my next short story. I'm going to get as much writing done as I possibly can because when I get back, it's all studio all the time until my final crit on December 3. I'm going to do something fairly insane to my painting before I leave just to get it out of its slump . . . I'm at the point where I really feel like I don't know how to paint anymore. This is good because it means I'm challenging myself, but it's also super frustrating. I just hope that I get a breakthrough with it and that I'll love it in the end. Right now I just don't love it. I know I love a painting I do when I just can't stop looking at it and it makes me feel really proud and happy. I am not anywhere close to that feeling.
Thing today that did make me happy, though it was a bit premature? Altgeld Hall playing Christmas carols after my last class as I was walking to the financial aid building. I was also kicking around crinkly fall leaves at the time, so it was little weird.
Thing that made me upset: the knowledge that tv, my precious tv will not be showing anything new for awhile. I will sorely miss new episodes of The Office (Jim and Pam were going to have dinner at Jan and Michaels!), 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and House. Seriously, just give the writers what they want. How are they even arguing? It's ridiculously obvious that the writers should get paid.
To tide us over:
listening to: Sufjan Stevens--Songs for Christmas (Yes, I know it's too soon. GD Altgeld Hall . . .)
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