Layer 5. I predict two more layers. The highlights on the clouds are too white right now, I have to add some subdued yellow brown purple? in there. The mountains just need a bit more specificity in them, but not too much or they'll lose their beauty. Anyway, it's fast and its fun. Would be believe I started this less than a week ago last Monday?
In other news, my material itch is dying to be scratched by this
FAWESOME bike designed by
Jorg & Olif. Sadly, I really have no need whatsoever for a new bike because I just got one a bit over a year ago. I suppose it's also worth noting that this bike costs about $600.00 not including shipping and handling. But look how pretty! And it comes in red! Oh well. I'm sure the company will still be there in a few years when I'll need a new bike and if I got this one now, it'd just get stolen or ruined anyway because drunk college students are morons. Trust me, it's homecoming weekend and I'm at a big 10 school.

Speaking of which, I've been thinking about living in Urbana next year rather than Champaign. I like how close my apartment is to the painting studio, but really most places in Urbana would only be a 10 minute bike ride away. I also went out to visit Christine who lives in Urbana and its
so pretty where she is. There are brick sidewalks and vibrant orange leaves all over and a pretty little church. It felt like a whole different place. There was a place rented by the same leasing group I'm using right across the street from her, actually. And it's so ruddy loud out here, even during the week. I guess we'll see. I need to check out the places first.
Listening to: Jon Brion--Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Soundtrack
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