I was haulin' all over the painting building today! After my
final contemp art issues class (no more wiki! No more presentations!) I went on over to take a picture of my painting with a fancy schamcy Canon Eos 5D digital camera (12.8 megapixels!) which, incidently costs 2,100 bucks, when I realized that I didn't have the compact flash card necessary to save the photos onto the camera because my regular old 5 megapixel camera used a memory card instead. They don't lend them out at the Art and Design desk (where I got the camera, btw) because I guess people kept stealing them. It doesn't make much sense though, actually, and is really annoying. I mean, they check stuff out. Just charge the people who stole the compact flash card the amount the card cost on their university account. Now I have to spend twenty bucks to take high quality pictures of my work for the next year and a half. Blug.
Anyway, I used the tripod to get good, non blurry non shiny photos of the final product of
Yellow Mountain, Iceland. C'est tout for this semester in my adventures in painting!

Also of note: Justin told me it looked like a "giant, throbbing cock". He also found a vagina in one of my paintings from last year. I'll miss you when you go to that South American country next semester, Justin!
Listening to: Bob Dylan--The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
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