Okay, so this is actually layer # 3. I forgot to take a picture of layer # 2 until layer #3 was almost done. I actually really enjoy working like this, though, because the paint is so thinned down that it dries quick and I can work two layers in on the same day. Sometimes I do get a bit distracted if other people are in the studio though . . . last night turned into a trip to Steak & Shake and Walmart at 1 am with Kelly and Hector instead of a really productive working time. Oh well. At least it was fun!
Anyway, once again I can't write down my complete ideas associated with this project because I forgot my whole notebook in the studio when we were leaving last night! If only we had wireless in the studio. I am irritated that it is taking them so ruddy long to do it. What do they think we do? Internet would be most beneficial to a studio artist because we could use it for research or looking up images and the like, things I often really want to do while I'm in the studio but can't. I guess its just one of the downsides of going to a huge university whose bureaucracy often doesn't understand art students specific needs. This would never be a problem at an art school, but then I couldn't take creative writing classes at an art school so its a switch off.
Oh, and ridiculous story: Yesterday morning I was going to fill up my water bottle and go to the bathroom in the basement of the painting building but the girls bathroom (which only has one stall, btw) was being cleaned by the janitor so I decided to use the boys room because there are like, 6 guys in the painting program and its usually empty. Also, I've never really thought boys and girls sharing bathrooms with stalls is a big deal. Also, the guys bathroom has THREE stalls + two urinals. I mean, come on! Anyway, I go in and I'm about to shut a stall door when I realize that Frank, the guy who is like, fifty in charge of the woodshop and is really nice, was at a urinal.
"Aren't you in the wrong bathroom?" he said.
"I'm so sorry! The girls bathroom is being cleaned!"
I just about died! Oh, and in case anyone was wondering *coughHectorcough* he was not still using the urinal while he was talking to me. Anyway, he left and I went to the bathroom and came out and was filling up my water bottle at the drinking fountain when he walked by me and said, "They just had to be cleaning the girls bathroom at the wrong time."
And that was that. It was so awkward. If it was any of the guys from my class I wouldn't have cared, but I just guess it was cause he was older or he was Frank or something. Seriously though, what kind of girls bathroom only has one stall??
listening to: Iron & Wine--The Shepard's Dog
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