Okay, so yes, I can still graduate in 2009 with a double major of Painting and Creative Writing. It is technically possible. However, I'm not so sure it's going to be fun anymore. In order to graduate I need to take at least 16 hours each semester for my remaining three semesters. However, having three hour long studio classes twice a week can really muck things up. I have to take 13 (I have no idea why it's not 12) more hours of outside studio (i.e. not required for my painting degree). When you take a studio, it has to be a studio you like or else you're not going to want to do the huge amount of outside work required and you're not going to get a good grade. As someone who wants to leave college with at least a 3.5 (grad school ain't cheap) this is hard because the one studio I really wanted to take--Book Arts 1&2--is taught by a professor who is not only leaving after next semester, but isn't even teaching book arts next semester. I've tried for 2 1/2 years to get into that stupid class but it was always filled up by I was able to add classes. So that leaves sculpture (sculpture 1 is about making shit with cardboard. I don't want to make shit with cardboard), photography (no way), ceramics (yes, but it's way off campus so it has to wait until i get a car), and printmaking (already did, last semester).
Anyway, the reason I'm bitching and moaning is that there is a painting techniques class next semester taught by Ros that I would like to take. Problem? Both M/W/F Intermediate Studio (always 9-11:40) and that class (M/W 1-3:40) intercept with the three possible sections of my Intermediate Narrative Writing class, which I need to take in order to take Advanced Narrative Writing, and finally Creative Writing Tutorial. Also? I need to take english classes as well as art history but the english classes I want to take all intercept with the art history I want to take. It's so frustrating because bio majors would never have this problem because there's like 20 sections of every class they take. I just don't know what to do. Am I really going to have to take classes with subjects I'm not really interested in just because the others are at a bad time? I've paid my dues! I don't want to do that anymore!
It's still early. It's still possible they'll add more sections. They better.
listening to: Rilo Kiley--Under the Blacklight
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