And they only took me a week and two days to do. Here we have pages 12 and 13. For the second part--the part which is no longer detailing Waverly's childhood--I am switching to a more subdued palette and I will be working to make things a lot less flat. Which means that every page takes a lot longer because I have to layer and layer the watercolors on. I really like the end result, though.

Hey look! Clothes hangers! Perhaps we are now in some sort of department store?

We are! And Waverly is chillin' out with a mannequin that looks kind of like a badass
Venus de Milo! Why? Because that's how cool I am.
Gluh. I am
never going get this whole thing finished in time for the Chicago comic con this summer.
1 comment:
I especially like the one with the hangers. I also think you might hang up your skirts weird.
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