People like art. Not a lot of contemporary art thanks to assholes like Damien Hirst, but I think my art is generally much more accessible because I like to make it beautiful as well as thought provoking. At least, that's my goal. Anyway, many people who like art but can't actually do it themselves and who have disposable income like to give money toward art. These come to artists in many forms, but the one I'm looking at is fellowships. This means an organization would give me say, $25,000 to do my artwork for a year. It's basically what Virginia Woolf was going on about in A Room of One's Own. Instead of having to balance two minimum wage jobs just to pay rent and finance my oil paint addiction, I'll have a little bank account full of money just for me! I found a very exciting prospect at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, and I'm sure that there are loads more.
Just amazing. Can you imagine it? My only job would be to create my artwork, and it would be whatever artwork I wanted, not commissions. I'm actually getting excited rather than terrified about graduating.
Granted, I have to get the fellowships first.
1 comment:
If you live there, you'll probably have to stop calling it Minneanapolis.
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