Huzzah! I fixed my knitting by going to the knitting shop and green st. and throwing at an old lady who was like, this is your problem. Evidently I was forgetting to bring my yarn back and forth whilst doing the ribbing, which really screwed up the top bit. Anyway after that I had a few more minor catastrophes (dropped stitch, accidentally purled when I meant to knit) all of which
I fixed all on my lonesome with a book for instructions. It was very independent like. Anyway this is a finished side of the athletic sock bag. It's not exactly what I was picturing but the colors look kickass and I'm hoping it will stretch out a bit more when all put together. Oh, and the stupid roll-y bottom won't be there. I've found the perfect fabric for the inside, I just have to get it off ebay cause purlsoho stopped carrying it.
Listening to: Brigitte Bardot--Un Jour Comme Un Autre
Happy Zombie Jesus Day Eve!
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