Well I am officially back into painting and drawing. I have some really cool ideas for painting that I'm planning on getting started with tonight (always make several stretchers at once, folks. Then you're done for awhile!!) and I had to do a self portrait for my life drawing class last night. I totally didn't want to do it because I was just NOT in that mood and was planning on spending only an hour or so on it but an hour turned into 4 and I ended up staying at the studio until 2 am and actually really enjoyed myself. I was in a zone. It turned out really well I think and my teacher who scares the living daylights out of me and is super critical really liked it too so yay! I didn't want to do the glasses but I actually think that they add a lot of balance to the composition because they're so dark and are on the lighter face. I'm getting better at glasses I think after having done like, five portraits where people are wearing them.
Anyway I'm pretty psyched and happy that I haven't really got much homework tonight so I can work on stuff that I want to work on. But now it's time for a nap. I only got four hours last night. 9 ams are harsh.
listening to: Belle & Sebastian--The Boy with the Arab Strab
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