Monday, August 2, 2010


Hmm. Well, a lot has happened. I moved out to Maine in early April, got a couple of jobs, and have managed to pull out of my year and a half long "oh, I just dropped out of the University of Illinois with naught but 12 credits to go, but I'm transferring to finish up at Rhode Island School of Design, but they haven't accepted me yet, well the accepted me last year but I didn't have enough money or where-with-all then, so I have to apply again for this fall" stage of my life. This was not a very fun period, for, as many had pointed out to me, RISD is an exceptionally difficult school to get into, and what will you do if you don't get accepted. Fortunately, I never have to think about that in a literal sense! Now, it's "I'm moving to Providence in early September, and I'm starting school on the 15th, and I'm majoring in Illustration!" Much shorter and less embarrassing and more specific. Also before people find out that I have like, five hundred credits already they aren't all like, WTF are you doing, girl?

So I'm pretty psyched. I haven't gotten much art done this summer for, as my mother warned me, it is difficult to work jobs that have nothing to do with my art and have the mental or physical energy to actually do other work. Especially when it's two jobs. And one of them is in a kitchen. And you're not in your studio environment half the time because the other one involves living like a hobo, moving from house to house, dog sitting. I hope to rectify this next week, however. We'll see. On the plus side, I may get a few days break from ramen next year.

Finally, I noticed that I did not post the cover for the new version of The Sheep Child that I had been working on. While it's not the greatest thing ever, I'm pretty pleased with it because I managed to get the type to interact with the painting I did.

Ultimately one of the things I have to learn at RISD is how to make paintings and drawings and mixed media pieces by hand and then add type elements that look natural and interact well with the images in Adobe CS. I don't think I'll get that in my first year--I'm taking Illustration I, Drawing I, Painting I, and a mandatory art history class my first semester. But all my liberal arts and gen eds transferred, so I won't have to take any liberal arts classes unless I want to, which means more room for studios. Mostly I'm excited that somehow, even though I didn't pick them (the transfer office of a small school is surprisingly bureaucratic) all my classes start after noon and I get a three day weekend. Whoo!

Also of note: thank you to Christina Rodriguez for prompting me to do this far past due post. I got a copy of Storm Codes, and it is gorgeous!

1 comment:

Christina Rodriguez said...

I'm so happy and excited for you, Sophie! Thanks for the shout-out (and buying a copy of Storm Codes) too!

That first year you may not get much of a chance to learn typography, but keep pushing for those classes. Wintersession is a great chance to check out the Graphic Design courses, they are notoriously difficult to get into otherwise (which is a damn shame, really).

Don't worry about what you've done during your summer jobs, either. You'll more than make up for the artistic break during the school year, believe me. During my college summers I was so drained that working temp jobs as a office admin assistant was a welcome break.

I can't wait to read more about your adventures! Be sure to tell me who your instructors are.