For example, this etching of Cain and Abel making their sacrifices.

Cain looks like a woman running away from attackers or something. There are loads of instances of this in Doré's work. It seems like it's going to be a perfectly normal illustration of The Bible or The Divine Comedy or something, but then there is a moment of just total weirdness. It's pretty awesome.
I also found this when I was reading a wikipedia entry about Faerie mythology:

It's called Ängsälvor (Faeries of the Meadow) and it's by some Swedish artist named Nils Blommér who died all young and tragic. I checked out his other like, five paintings and they weren't anything too special, but this one just gets me because all the Faeries look like cherubic angels and they appear to be floating, not dancing in a circle. It's just very strange looking. looking at his other work, I don't think this is intentional strangeness, but it is fabulous nonetheless.
More on my weird summer project when I figure more of it out. I didn't realize it was so strange until I told some of my friends here in studio about it and they were like, "What are you on?" and I'm like, "Just crack, as per ushe." SO I'M A WEIRDO, don't pretend you didn't already know.
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