So I got my absentee ballots a couple of days ago and thus have been gnawing down my fingernails over who I should vote for for the Democratic presidential primary. Thankfully, my mother sent me
this very in depth quiz you can take to find out which candidate suits you best based on issues at Glassbooth. The results didn't surprise me terribly--of
course its Dennis Kucinich, the candidate least likely to win. The candidate who runs every time just to make a point. Oh well. I found a compromise. It's John Edwards that I agree with on the most important issues, which are health care and education. I wonder if a democrat gets elected they'll take care of health care right away so I won't have to pay for health insurance when I leave school. Anyway, it's a cool quiz and I guess that as an Illinois resident it doesn't matter
too much who I vote for because Obama is sure to take the state he's senator to and Illinois is sure to go blue in the overall election because of Chicago. Thanks for the link, mom!
Also, here are some pics of the table I painted and decoupaged for my parents for Christmas. It was a week late because the paper on top was all warped and bubbly for a long time but it settled down and turned out pretty well I think. The watercolor painting took too long to do normally, but I think I'm going to get these tables ($9.00 at Target) paint them and bang them up (the funnest part! Finally an excuse to hit something with a hatchet!) and decoupage some pretty paper on top and sell them on Etsy.

Listening to: Fox Confessor Brings the Flood--Neko Case
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