Good gracious! Well, it took 11 hours of pretty much straight reading, but I've finished the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series! And I must say that it is quite well done. It's amazing the tonal shift, though. It's still Harry Potter, but it is certainly the darkest and most violent of the series. I shouldn't be surprised if they end up having to make the movie PG-13. It was really strange finishing it, though, because I'm so used to thing, "Good Lord! When's the next book coming out!" after I've finished a Harry Potter book that the finality just felt odd.
Anyway, I read from 12:40 am to 8:00 am and then from 1:00pm to 4:30pm. It is always very strange to read something so quickly when you're used to things taking so ruddy long. For example, I've spent the better part of the summer on Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse
and that's only a bit over two hundred pages! Anyway, it's finished and it feels right funny. I just can't wait for one of my other friends to get through it so we can discuss already!
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