So I've been looking a lot at crafter's blogs lately (hey, a girl's gotta do something when she's supposed to be studying for midterms) and have actually gotten really excited. These people are sewing and selling great stuff. One I really like is Shim + Sons (http://shimandsons.typepad.com/shimandsons/) partially because she makes all sorts of cool stuff and partially because she has the most adorable children I have ever seen in my life and posts tons of photos. Look at these blogs, though time consuming, was actually a really good thing because it really motivated me to get started on my own website. Hopefully my arts and crafts website Spitting Air will be opening by the summer. I plan on making several things over spring break so I have something to sell. I plan on doing commissions for paintings as well but that's never nearly as popular as bags. I'm going to branch out into quilts, bags other than canvas, letterpress stationary, prints, stuffed animals and dolls, and general baby items (bibs, etc.). I'm also teaching myself how to knit so maybe in a year I'll be confident enough to start selling that stuff. The image above is my website color scheme/layout.
In other news I don't understand physics (big surprise), I'm petitioning to double degree in Creative Writing as well as Painting, and spring break starts tomorrow! This was a harsh week but it's almost over. Friday I'm going to go to the Aurora Bleachery (cheapest fabric EVER) and pick up some Amy Butler wholsale. It's going to be fun.
Here's the fun fact of the day: "In April 1925, two weeks after the publication of The Great Gatsby, Hemingway met F. Scott Fitzgerald at the Dingo Bar. Fitzgerald and Hemingway were at first close friends, often drinking and talking together. They frequently exchanged manuscripts, and Fitzgerald tried to do much to advance Hemingway's career and the publication of his first collections of stories, although the relationship later cooled and became more competitive. Fitzgerald's wife Zelda, however, disliked Hemingway from the start. Openly describing him as "bogus" and "phoney as a rubber cheque" and asserting that his macho persona was a facade, she became irrationally convinced that Hemingway was homosexual and accused her husband of having an affair with him."I love studying for literature because you get to read fun facts like that. I mean, Zelda Fitzgerald was a total loon but she was onto something about Hemingway. Hemingway was a sexist homophobic douchebag.
Reading: Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Listening: Neon Bible Arcade Fire
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