Ok, so here are two of the three bags I did over break. I gave one to Hana and forgot to get a pic of it, but I know where she lives so I'm sure I'll get one eventually. They were a lot of fun and I really enjoyed how easy they were. I'm getting a lot better at sewing and it's nice when my projects come out the way I want them to without have to undo stitches and such. I love the one to the right because it's got a really interesting texture/color thing going
because its made from burlap. The burlap is kind of see through (holes) so you can see the turquoise lining fabric underneath it really well. I think this will be something interesting that I can experiment with. I love the bag to the left simply because it's awesome. I found the greatest fabric with all these kabuki actor prints on it and I cut one of them out and fusible webbed it to the corduroy. I also fusible webbed some left over bits of cord and made cloud shapes out of them to put in the background. I think it came out pretty cool. The one I made for Hana had embroidery that I did (first time) on the flap and was also made from grey cord. I have to get some more grey cord. It looks great and goes with everything.
In other news evidently they've made a t.v. show which is about Henry VIII called The Tudors. I saw the first couple episodes online. It features a really good looking Henry VIII which I feel is inaccurate but I'm not really complaining much because he's good looking and has his shirt off a lot. I'll be intersted to see what they do later on though when it's so OBVIOUSLY inaccurate when Henry VIII is supposed to be that old fat fellow from that well known portrait. We'll see if the show actually lasts that long. Anyway I was skeptical but I think they actually did a great job portraying Henry as the ass that he was. They show the world to be a man's world. Testosterone is behind everything and women are shuffled off into the background unless they're having sex or giving birth. It was really quite disgusting to watch mostly because I know that it was true. It's amazing how big of assholes everyone was. Well, aside from Sir Thomas More. They obviously romanticized Sir Thomas More. I guess they didn't want a cast of complete douchebags. Otherwise it would be too entirely depressing.
Anyway Henry comes off as a very selfish man who is (of course) totally hubristic and is interested in starting wars just to make a name for himself as king. All these men. I'm not saying that women would do better if they had been in the situation of power instead. It may have been just as bad. But jeez. Chill the fuck out and think about people other than yourself. Sadly I think he was incapable of it. Everything he did--including splitting with the Catholic church--was in the end in his own self interest.
Message to Henry VIII's contemporary female counterparts: stop throwing yourselves at him. He's an asshole who does not deserve your attention.